Episode:Jesus Faces Death—Brought to Trial (Part 3)

From Symmetry of Soul

Annas, the most powerful single individual in all Jewry, was reluctant to participate in the murder of a good man and had reasoned that Jesus might choose to leave the country rather than to suffer death. But when Annas stood before the stalwart and determined Galilean, he knew at once that it would be useless to make such proposals. Jesus was even more majestic and well poised than Annas remembered him.

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Keywords: Urantia, Jesus, John's Courage, Judas's Shame, Examination by Annas

Summary by Kermit

Commentary after Review

Our post review discussion included comparisons and contrasts between the New Testament and the 5th ER versions of our story. As previously mentioned the foundations of western civilization are intimately associated with and majorly influenced by both Old and New Testaments. The Gospels in conjunction with the 5th ER showcase the artful coordination of essential knowledge presented in the biblical accounts and the authoritative elimination of errors presented in The Urantia Book. Engaging the Bible as an evolutionary religious text, and separating out factual ignorance from threads of truth with the help of The Urantia Book enables the serious student to more profitably engage in religious dialogue with our Christian brothers and sisters. The 5th ER is a splendid tool for developing objective recognition and discernment skills, which are transferable in the pursuit of truth.

183:5. On the Way to the High Priest’s Palace

The Roman captain prevailed in the dispute with the Jewish captain and Jesus was led off to the Palace of Annas, former high priest rather than the palace of Caiaphas, acting high priest and son-in-law of Annas. Again, fortunate for the gospel record, John was allowed to accompany Jesus and report on the Master’s trying experiences including the crucifixion, under the protection of Roman law. It was this extension of Roman protection and the Roman captain’s recognition of John’s loyalty and courage to be with his Master, expressed within earshot of Judas that so shamed and humiliated him that he fell back to the back of the pack on their way to Annas’s palace. Here begins Judas’s disillusionment.

We did note that even John’s record has accuracy issues inasmuch as he wrote down his recollections some seventy years after the fact.

We observed that the contempt with which both the Roman and Jewish captains felt towards Judas was a natural reaction to such a display of disloyalty. We recalled the citation [67:1.3] referring to Caligastia’s betrayal of trust, “...of all forms of evil, none are more destructive of personality status than betrayal of trust and disloyalty to one's confiding friends.” Such disruption of the function of the third adjutant (courage) in an individual profoundly and negatively influences the development of one’s higher spiritual nature. We are quick to make particular mention that such disruption in Judas’s case should not be taken to suggest that he was guilty of going to iniquity. Fortunately Judas’s death can be thought to act as a reset for him to regain cosmic equilibrium in the after-life.

We commented further on John’s privilege to accompany Jesus under protection of Roman law as an earmark of civilization. By contrast, the intense hatred of the Jews for Jesus caused (or allowed) them to cast aside their norms of civilization.

Returning to Judas’s disillusionment, interestingly, such disillusionment requires a modicum of a developed spiritual nature. An engagement with spirit in such an immature stage without the overcontrol of spirit pattern (personality) can lead to very dangerous outcomes. To return to a frequent theme on SoS, spirit is not equivalent to divinity. Divinity is the product of spirit purposed by personality. God is not innately divine because he is spirit, he is such because he has taken hold of spirit and purposed it infinitely perfectly.

And during this procession to Annas’s palace, Jesus spoke no word, which must have unnerved his enemies.

Paper 184: Before the Sanhedrin Court

We learn that Jesus was taken to Annas’s palace by prearrangement, to give Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin court time to convene in accordance with Jewish law that no court be convened prior to the morning temple offering. Of course we shall later see that they abandon their scrupulous adherence to their law as Jesus’ trial proceeds.

184:1. Examination by Annas

Jesus and Annas were known to each other, their most recent encounter occurred after Jesus began his public ministry, at which time Annas received him coldly, viewing him as a challenge to his ecclesiastical authority. This time Annas was far more concerned with the threat Jesus posed to his revenue stream from the temple treasury than his teachings, in light of the very recent cleansing of the temple of the money changers.

To the questions of Annas, Jesus made no reply. Clearly the Master’s majestic poise and regal bearing discomfited Annas. Jesus broke his silence when Annas asked him if he was indifferent to the power he (Annas) had in determining the issues of his coming trial. Jesus’ replied, “Annas, you know that you could have no power over me unless it were permitted by my Father. Some would destroy the Son of Man because they are ignorant; they know no better, but you, friend, know what you are doing. How can you, therefore, reject the light of God?” Observe, Jesus’ speaks to Annas kindly, in like manner that he spoke to the betrayer addressing him as friend.

Jesus’ reply sparked our consideration as to the status of Annas’s soul. The Master’s charge of deliberate disloyalty to God caused us to speculate that Annas’s eternal fate may have been playing out in that very moment, before the Creator Son of this local creation.

Annas becomes increasingly so flummoxed by his servant’s striking of the Master that he leaves the room for close to an hour. Upon his return Annas makes further inquiries concerning Jesus’ claiming to be the Messiah, to which he replied, ”So you have said.” At this point messengers from Caiaphas arrive to inquire as to when Jesus will be brought to the Sanhedrin Court whereupon Annas sent him there bound in the custody of the temple guards following after them shortly.

Notes by Brad

  • Fear clouds judgement. This author can confirm this based on a telephone scam artist using fear against a close friend, trying to get money.

  • Being a serious student
    • The Urantia Book should be read, not just listened to passively in our study group.
    • And even though it's not a sacred text, it is the authoritative elimination of error.
    • Yes, we think it is the most amazing book on the planet. Yet it isn't a sacred text.
    • The skill of reading The Urantia Book precisely is transferrable.
      • You could read the Bible with these same skills, and have more objectivity.
      • Can you read the Bible not factually, but truthfully?
      • So maybe Daniel 3 did happen or didn't happen as written. Why is it in the Bible? What does it tell you about the Hebrew people of those times and the context in which they lived?

  • John Zebedee is watching these events closely. He's alongside Jesus. It's not surprising the Gospel of John records this part of the story more precisely.

  • Contempt for Judas
    • Even the Jewish captain holds Judas in contempt. Why? Doesn't he agree with Judas?
    • In our foundational animal-origin nature there's the 3rd of the seven adjutant mind-spirits
      • The energy of loyalty. We retch when we see someone debasing our animal ability to "hold something dear."
      • And conversely, we say even of someone we disagree with, "I gotta give him this: he's loyal."
    • See [67:1.3]. "And of all forms of evil, none are more destructive of personality status than betrayal of trust and disloyalty to one’s confiding friends."
    • But Judas knows whereof he speaks. In the afterlife, he cloud teach a course on this! The same trap Lucifer fell into.
      • Can you imagine taking a class taught by Judas in the next life? Even as his name is "eschewed" in the local universe?
    • Meanwhile, John was courageous and received the glory Judas thought was his (i.e., being recognized by the Roman guard).
      • The energy of loyalty can become a spirit of courage, with proper spirit pattern (personality) framing/overcontrol
      • Perfectly-purposed spirit is divinity. Spirit is not innately divine, it is only an energy. Like any energy it can be used for good or ill.
    • How much do you resemble Judas?
      • Letting spirit influences in your mind run without a bridle?
      • Without personal control?
      • Without yourself being well-composed?
    • Because of how you might resemble Judas, can you think of Judas as "a confused Child of God who needed a close friend" instead of "Judas the betrayer?" The 5th ER gives us new light on this.

  • The Romans were a people of laws, not feeling-filled zealous whimsy.
    • And while the Jaws have a rigid lawfulness, too, it isn't a very objective kind that can build a civilization like the Romans have.

  • The Saducees were fairly fundamentalist whereas Pharisees had a more holistic view of the Old Testament.
    • The Sadducees were all social, economic, and political. First five books of Moses. No afterlife, etc.
    • In the Pharisees, there could be some sympathy for Jesus. Not in the Saducees.

  • Jesus didn't drive out the moneychangers, the people did.
    • Annas blames Jesus as if he did it. Altering the story to suit his views.
    • Nevertheless, Jesus was challenging the whole "medicine man" intermediary practice in the temple that day. Which ghost-cult God acolytes resented.

  • Concerning Jesus' bearing here
    • His bearing was commanding. He "spoke no word," which isn't the same as "he couldn't speak."
    • "So you have said" was his attempt to keep the trial, such as it is, pertaining to firsthand knowledge.