Episode:Jesus the Tutor—Journey to Rome (Part 3)

From Symmetry of Soul

Yahweh is the God developed from the revelations of Melchizedek and the covenant of Abraham.  The Jews were the offspring of Abraham, and their religion eventually portrayed a clearer recognition of the Lord God of Israel as the Universal Father in heaven than any other world religion.

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Keywords: Urantia, Jesus, World Religions, Alexandria Library, True Teachers

Summary by Kermit

Commentary on Review

Jesus’ influence with the Mongolian merchant with whom he had several visits wherein he quickened the Taoist doctrine of a universal Deity, is seen to have extended not only to his grandson as stated in the review, but to his great-grandson. Here we have another example of the time transcendent teachings that Jesus delivers in his encounters with receptive individuals. Thus does Jesus exemplify one whose being is grounded in eternity, while creatively living in time. Recalling that our time bound self is destined to perish with the flesh we are encouraged to increasingly identify with the more enduring realities to be discovered in cosmic thinking, thereby securing something of substance and history to resurrect on the Mansion worlds.

130:3. At Alexandria

Jesus the tutor was kept busy on the boat passage from Caesarea to Alexandria answering Ganid’s questions. In appreciating the lighthouse at Pharos, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Jesus always taking advantage of temporal circumstances to illustrate transcendent realities foreshadowed Ganid’s destiny as one who would become a light of life to those of his fellows who sit in darkness, showing those who desire the way to the safe harbor of salvation.

The authors again point out the great mistake of the early Christian teachers of failing to capitalize on the opportunities for carrying the teachings of Jesus held by the Mesopotamian believers to Asiatic religionists who were ready to receive them.

The authors treat us to a list of the chief attractions in Alexandria. The tutor and his apt pupil were strongly attracted to the world famous library housing millions of manuscripts from all the civilized world. They came there daily where Jesus guided Ganid in collecting the teachings of all the religions of the world which recognized a Universal Deity. They had many discussions of these religions, Jesus always highlighting to Ganid the truth in each. Jesus invariably noted that the clearest recognition of the Universal Father in heaven was to be found in the portrayal of the Lord God of Israel (Yahweh). Further that it was the revelations of Melchizedek and the covenant with Abraham that provided this recognition.

In compiling their collection of the teachings of the religions of the world, they excluded the religions of the Romans and Greeks as well as the mystery cults. To Ganid’s surprise he noticed that the best of the authors of the world’s sacred literature recognized the existence of an eternal God whose character and relationship with mortal man were very similar one to another, reflecting the widespread legacy of the Melchizedek missionaries.


At this point in our reading we skipped ahead to the preface of Paper 131 where the authors expand on Ganid’s and Jesus’ project of making a collection of the teachings of the world’s religions about God and his relations with mortal man. With the help of more than sixty learned translators, compensated by Gonod they prepared a manuscript which was preserved in India for more than one hundred years following Ganid’s death.

We skipped again to [131:10] and read the abstract of Ganid’s manuscript having to do with his summary of the beliefs about God he had gleaned from Jesus’ teaching which he referred to as “our religion.”

131:10 “Our Religion”

In our reading and discussion we identified and highlighted a number of notable elements and specifics in Ganid’s abstract. We find reference to the Thought Adjuster, the Father as invisible yet knowable in personal experience, and demonstrable to others by actually living the will of the Father in heaven. More than one reference is made to the heart of man where we can know God. The term heart signifies a domain above the feelings. Even though the Father concept of God is emphasized in this manuscript we find intimations of Mother Deity. Transcending the Father’s engagement of the collective, he is portrayed as the Father of each individual. The fruits of the spirit are attainable through living faith, not merely belief. The brotherhood of man is a logical derivation from the Fatherhood of God and though it represents a struggle, the importance of loving even your enemies is recognized as part of this new religion.


Returning to [130:3.7] we find the familiar “they are befogged by much thinking” reference concerning the danger of the pride of unspiritualized learning, signifying the error of exalting partiality of concept to the status of wholeness thereby failing to recognize triune cosmic reality.

The revelation cites Philo as one of the seven outstanding teachers in the world in terms of combining the better elements in contemporaneous systems of ethical and religious teachings. It is intriguing to note that all the while Jesus was in Alexandria, Philo, also in Alexandria remained sick and unable to deliver his lectures, thus preventing the meeting of these two men. We can only speculate as to the significance of this “near miss.”

Notes by Brad

  • There is another self, one whose feet already is planted in eternity. Can you make that self the conscious one here on this Earth? Can you transfer your personality into that other self?
    • It takes humility on this temporal side of these thinks to recognize this other self. Trust that it's there.
    • It's already there. It was built by a creator being that... knows what it is doing.
    • Your material self is not the originator or generator of that other self.
    • Once you recognize the other self, use your innate imitating ability and just.... imitate.
    • Don't get too delighted by the skills your material self and temperament have. Certainly don't worship these. Consider them means to an end; a floor on which to stand and reach higher.

  • It's not that you're looking for peace that passes all understanding for your material self. You can't build it for the material self.
  • Learn from the teacher already build within you. Just follow that leader. You don't have to bootstrap your material self; you can't!
  • Don't think that eternity is a warm fuzzy blanket. TIME is the grace-filled warm, fuzzy blanket. In eternity, it's "the terrible swift sword" of truth.
  • Silly and impossible: "I want my feelings about the outer life to lead me to an inner life that can get me to eternity"
    • So stop building cathedrals, burning incense, etc. to do this. It won't work.
    • Hint: if you want "to get back" to how you felt in one of those incense-burning moments, it ISN'T eternal, so it isn't what you're looking for.
    • The Holy of Holies is NOT the inner life, no matter how fancy the bricks are.
    • Are dreams my inner life? No, more feelings. "I was walking through this beautiful meadow..." <-- That's the outer life and your feelings about it.
    • What about Paul's visualization of the 3rd mansion world? Nope, that's still an outer life!
    • The inner life stands apart and is mostly consciously unexplored (it's superconsciously explored).
  • The material self is doomed to die in time. It's a mortal self. Its material mind is only on loan! So are its molecules!
  • Wouldn't it be a worthy goal, in this life, to transfer more of yourself to your soul? And thereby have less of a discontinuity when I wake up on the mansion world.
  • Can you rise to Jesus the Tutor's challenge of not binding yourself to time and judging things in terms of time? Can you not be disturbed when someone reminds you that your parents someday will die and you will carry on, as material life does?
  • Emergency revelations (the 3rd and the 5th) have two tracks, as Jesus explained here:
    • The covenant with Abraham. Shoring up what already is known.
    • A parallel evolutionary stream is set up. With the Kennites in Melchezidek's case. It gets more of the direct revelation.
  • The 5th ER is a revelation, not to the world, but to you. Can you become self-mastered enough to be of some good to the cosmos on this world?
  • What's the point of all the material details of Alexandria? The alternate pairing of material, then spiritual--over and over--suggests the potential for a super-additive consequence.
  • The Old Testament, with its commandments reminiscent of Dalamatia, is trying to hold onto the 1st epochal revelation.
  • Machiventa Melchizedek essentially also had to reinforce the 1st ER, with maybe a bit of Adam and Eve's "constellation level" thinking arrive.
  • See [92:4] for a rundown of the major epochal revelations. Also, refer to past Symmetry of Soul episodes from 2013-14!