Episode:Our Local Universe—Nebadon (Part 2)

From Symmetry of Soul

Why didn’t our perfect Father create us as perfect beings in his image; why did he make us evolutionary beings? And why is God’s creation divided into separate domains called local universes?

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Keywords: The Universal Father, Paradise, Perfection, Creation, Evolution

Summary by Kermit

32:3.1 The Evolutionary Idea

Here we find the contrast between the existential, perfect, and replete central universe of Havona and the seven superuniverses which are finite, evolutionary and consistently progressive. Note the use of the word “consistently” progressive. Retrogression may be detected in some portion or phase of a local universe, but with regard to the superuniverse, we always find it to be progressive.

With budding spiritual consciousness comes an awareness of the lack of perfection in our realm. Some conclude therefore that the earth is in some form of retrogression. Not so! Fear not! Our planet is part of a consistently progressing enterprise.


The path to perfection for a local universe (light and life) includes both the stabilization of the physical creation as well as the settled spiritual status of all its inhabited worlds. The physical stabilization is intentional and accomplished through the purposeful action of the “power beings” referenced earlier.

Havona is innately perfect, the physical and spiritual are fully harmonized. This is our pattern for local universe development.

There is a deeper significance for the connection of the physical and spiritual. The spiritual (unity) is formless until it is “poured” into, or given form. These forms are necessary constraints provided by our creators.

Comment on the use of the word “disciplining” along with organizing, evolving, and settling, referring to the Creator Sons’ plans. Don’t think punishment, but more like providing form to direct the course of growth.


The Father is personally present in the central universe, but he does not indwell the minds of these citizens. In the evolutionary universes, the Father is personally absent, being represented by His Sovereign Sons and intimately present in the minds of his mortal children through the ministry of the Thought Adjusters. Truly a divine compensation, though not personal.

Comment on the vicegerency of the Creator Sons earning sovereignty through the bestowal process.

Comment on the personal presence of The Father in the central creation is part of God the Sevenfold. The God-fact reaching down to engage beings, likened to a sevenfold staircase, descending from The Father, Son, and Conjoint Actor reaching down to engage Havona through their personal presence. Comment on the self-contained and authority of the local universe rulers and administrators and the need for form.


With increasing distance from the Father, lower creatures and even higher personalities grow weary in progression, entertain spiritual doubts, stumble into confusion and isolate themselves from the progressive spiritual aims of their time and universe. This is tantamount to losing your personality focus. (In a cosmic system, individual persons are not connected with each other except in relation to the whole and through the individuality of the whole.) By entertaining spiritual doubts (losing personality focus) you unplug from the cosmic system, cutting yourself off from personal connection with all persons, including God. This leads to a failure to progress. (This scenario pertains to us prior to fusion, but remains in play for higher personalities who do not have adjusters a la Lucifer.)

Another way of reading: literally-spiritually and figuratively-personally the Father and the Sons are one. He who has seen a Creator Son has seen the Father.


Reiteration of the inverse relationship between degree of kinship with deity and the possibility of disharmony, confusion and sometimes rebellion.


Other than perfect beings of deity origin, all will creatures in the superuniverses are evolutionary, beginning in lowly estate and ascending. Even highly spiritual beings evolve and progress in the universe. The perfection attained by the creatures of time is a bona fide personality possession, grace notwithstanding. This does not happen automatically but through intention and effort. There’s no rush, be patient.


There is no stigma attached to being of lowly animal origin. And while other beings are given different opportunities for permanent citizenship of various realms along the way, we are privileged to traverse the full range of finite evolution from the bottom to the top.


The Father could make all mortals perfect beings by fiat. This however, would deprive us of this full range of universe experience. Our experiential imperfect nature is a natural cosmic compliment to the existential perfect nature of Paradise-Havona creatures. Yet, both types of beings are incomplete as regards finite totality. It is only in this complemental association that these two types of beings find release from these limitations to pursue the heights of ultimate creature status. Discussion concerning the trinitized sons of destiny, the “offspring” of a perfected ascender and a perfect Paradise-Havona native.

Even the creatures at the top (perfect) can be “added to” through the complemental association with the perfected creatures, enabling both types to be more. Upon the attainment of perfection we are denominated sixth stage spirits, yet there’s a seventh stage to be attained.

We are encouraged to stop thinking of the vast distance we are from the Father as a curse, but see it as a potential.

Paper 22:7. p.251 on creature trinitized sons.


Interesting invocation of God the Sevenfold in alluding to these “creature transactions” between perfect and perfected beings. God the Sevenfold being comprised of:

  • Existential Deity (Creators)
    • Universal Father
    • Eternal Son
    • Conjoint Actor
  • God the Sevenfold bridge
    • Supreme Being
  • Supreme Creators
    • Master Spirits
    • Ancients of Days
    • Creator Sons


The evolutionary superuniverses depend on perfect Havona for the training of ascenders, while Havona needs the perfecting universes for the full development of its descending inhabitants.

Why did God create the way He did. Both the perfect and perfected are required for the completion of function, service, and destiny. Neither perfect nor perfected can exist without the other. The unity of reality requires these two complimentary, integrated and reciprocal relationships for completeness.

In the eyes of The Father we are already creatures of evolved perfection because He does not see temporally. Our perfection already exists in the eyes of God. We see the time-space context, while He only sees the eternity viewpoint.

32:4.1-4.2 God’s Relation to a Local Universe

The Father is the least active of the Paradise Deities in the domains of a local universe, rather, he only never does aught which any of his coordinate or subordinate associates can do

The Father actually, literally, and personally participates in these universe events through the ordained agencies and personalities for the welfare of all his creation.

Why do local universes exist? Since God fully understands his creatures need for function and experience, God retires from activity because he can’t do what his creatures need! He must put space between Himself and us, room for us to exists. We don’t like the idea of something intervening between us and the Father. Without this “gap” we wouldn’t exist.

149:0.2, p.1668 even the Master declined to do those things which others could acceptably perform, when he let James deliver the final charge to the new evangelists as they were about to go forth on the second preaching tour.


The Creator Sons, act for God the Father in the policies, conduct, and administration of a local universe. In the interrelationships as well as group and personal associations, the Father never intervenes. The Deities are in perfect and eternal unanimity.

The Father can only engage individual personalities, individually. He can’t engage us “relatively”, in association. This would deprive him of the ability to love us absolutely. The Father can love an infinite number of persons, but as individuals, not collectively. The intervening personalities and agencies CAN relate to us collectively, e.g. “where two or more are gathered, there am I in the midst of them” spoken by Jesus. This represents a radical difference from how mankind thinks about God the Father.