Episode:Religion in Depth—Real Nature (Part 8)

From Symmetry of Soul

It requires courage to invade new levels of experience and to attempt the exploration of unknown realms of intellectual living. Philosophy transforms that primitive religion which was largely a fairy tale of conscience into a living experience in the ascending values of cosmic reality.

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Keywords: Urantia, Religion, Philosophy, Faith, Belief

Summary by Kermit

Commentary on Review

We remarked on the value of noticing and reflecting upon small details of linguistic usage and construction in the revelation in finding a gateway into deeper levels of recognition of the truths embedded therein.

We also lingered over the final paragraph of section six as we were hurried in its consideration because of time constraints. This passage points to the role of the faith of Jesus, when personally appropriated by mortal man as a gateway and path to foretaste in time the realities of eternity. As the human Jesus discovered the Final Father (Ultimate Father), so can we follow him in the adventure of Father discovery. The 5th ER’s gift of Jesus’ private ministry as Son of Man prior to his baptism and manifestation as Son of God is poignantly relevant to all of us. The greater prize of all of this is a greater philosophic consciousness on top of an uplifted spiritual consciousness.

101:7. A Personal Philosophy of Religion

We tarried over the first paragraph of this section to clarify the revelators’ use of the term “personal philosophy of religion” or “personal religious philosophy.” Elsewhere in the revelation these terms imply the philosophic formulation of the religious ideas of an individual or a people. In this section the terms refer to true philosophy, the superadditive consequences of the harmonization of true science and true religion. Initiated by the spark of genuine religious consciousness, this personal religious philosophy becomes a dynamic personal living philosophy in the spiritualized mind of the believer embodying the holistic nature of the cosmos. It also becomes ancestor to the personal religious philosophy of life that shows its face to the external world. In this top down engagement, personality supplies the harmonizing and reality-izing encompassment of the three-fold nature of the cosmos.

The manifold influences from both nature and nurture condition the factors making up a personal philosophy of religion. The individual mortal is not equipped to transcend the negative aspects of these influences without help. Even gaining entrance to the higher spiritualized mind by grace via the encircuitment in the HS does not prevent you from bringing negative aspects of your nature and nurture into this upper domain. But with the help of the TA, these “imported” negative aspects can be ameliorated. Keeping in mind the hourglass analogy of the mind, working to cultivate a living personal philosophy in the spiritualized upper domain, contributes to the development of a mastered self in the lower domain such that even if you are unable to markedly alter the external world, you can achieve some degree of liberation from its negative influences.

We expanded on the first two sentences of section seven. “An idea is only a theoretical plan for action, while a positive decision is a validated plan of action. A stereotype is a plan of action accepted without validation.” These passages in conjunction with a previous passage in this paper are used to show how true and false religious philosophies stem from validated plans of action vs. a stereotype, i.e. an un-validated plan of action respectively. Listen to the archive for the particulars.

Further developing the evolution of a philosophy of religion consists in the interplay of growth of ideas and experimental living. The natural tendency to imitate others represents the degree to which the aforementioned negative aspects of nurture are relied upon for personal direction. The courageous and independent thinking encouraged by the revelators is foundational to formulating a sound religious philosophy. And note that these transactions take place in the conscious mind through the cultivated sensitivity to and use of the three cosmic intuitions catalyzed by the superconscious influence of the TA.

The salutary effects of conscious and courageous philosophic thinking are immediately forthcoming. These include new principles and standards, reformed habits and ideals, and ideas of a personal God with expanded notions of your relationship thereto.

The revelators present four phases in the evolution of religious philosophy. The first three phases describe the majority of mortals on our world today. These phases range from mere conformation to tradition and authority, up through slight attainments stabilizing daily living, but essentially non-progressing. The third group achieves a level of logical intellectuality, but allow themselves to be restrained by bondage to current culture. Only the fourth group attains the freedom to think, act and live honestly, loyally, fearlessly and truthfully. Phase four represents the starting point for being truly human.

Genuine religious philosophy is able to clearly recognize and distinguish between material realities and the spiritual realm. Such a philosophy does not confound the things of God with the things of Caesar, neither does the reverence for unity nor the adoration of beauty or nature constitute worship of God.

101:8. Faith and Belief

Think of belief as mental acceptance and faith as personal recognition when distinguishing one from the other. Being personal, faith has a dynamic quality in motivating life and shaping behavior. Faith is centered on God alone not his attributes. Neither does it foster the reprehensible practices of bigotry, persecution or intolerance. From a top down vantage point genuine faith leads to sound beliefs, but not the other way around.

We lastly discussed our old friend Adjutant mind spirit number six, and the importance of its energy paired with faith according to knowledge, rather than combining it with belief resulting in some ideology.

Notes by Brad

  • How do you study in depth? Notice the small details that aren't apparent on an initial or quick read. Notice the precision of construct.
  • Personal religion grows within the context of the (superadditive) philosophy that encompasses it and science.
  • True philosophy is grander than human philosophy (mere philosophy is only a part, not a whole, but it is a start).
  • A greater (true) philosophic consciousness is to be sought, and enlargement of the religious and scientific consciousness will come along.
    • Even so, that true philosophy is upheld in a living way by the true religious experience it encompasses.
  • Many so-called philosophy 101 classes are, in fact, science classes. "Let's study the knowledge (science) of a dead philosopher."
  • Internally, it is a personal living philosophy. Externally, it expresses as a philosophy of living.
  • Instantly after you pull back on the reins and reflect, new systems of values appear. That's what "presently" means in section 7.
  • The four levels of philosophy here in section 7 are pyramidal: a whole bunch of people at the base level (conformative and stereotypical), some at level two, the leading minds at level 3, and level 4 mostly unexplored
  • Work ceases to be exhausting if you can keep the incessant clamoring of self at bay.