Episode:The Betrayal Begets Default (Part 2)

From Symmetry of Soul

Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil, the fatal mistake that signalized the default of the Adamic mission on Urantia. The consequences of Eve's action and Adam's equally unwise response markedly altered the affairs of this world. The noble plan of an uplifted civilization, populated with an advanced race of humanity was undone; there were immediate tragedies in the region and long-term setbacks that scarred human history.

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Keywords: Urantia, Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, Fall of Man, Good and Evil

Summary by Kermit

4. The Realization of Default

Following Eve’s transgression, Adam recognized that something was amiss. Taking Eve aside, he was told the entire story of the Serapatatia enterprise for accelerating world improvement. At this time, Solonia reproved them for disobedience in that they had transgressed the Garden covenant, disobeyed the instructions of the Melchizedeks, and defaulted in the execution of their oaths of trust to the sovereign of the universe.

Discussion: We conjectured as to the point at which Eve lost her mental linkage to Adam. Eve stands guilty of consenting to participate in the practice of good and evil. We further discussed the definitions of good, sin, and evil presented by the author. Evil is here described a misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques, or as the words denote, “wrong” adaptation of plans and “bad” adjustment of techniques. We focused on the “misadaptation of plans”, further speculating that the plans in question may very well have included some sort of direct biologic engagement of the evolutionary races by Adam and Eve. This would lend support to the idea that Eve may not have been so far “off base” with her acceptance of Serapatatia’s scheme

Even though Eve heard the oft repeated warning of the archangel custodian of the tree of life that degradation to mortal status, hence, death would surely follow her comingling of good and evil, Cano assured her that their good motives and true intentions could not possibly constitute evil. Here we have a perfect example of the “end not justifying the means”. Departing from the divine plan indeed constitutes the wrong way to achieve righteous ends.

Solonia held counsel with the pair in the Garden, and gave them both advice concerning the immediate situation. Some of this advice they followed and some disregarded.

It was pointed out that the biblical story in Genesis is most confusing and muddled, Solonia’s use of specific citations, applied correctly, ingeniously demonstrate how threads of truth in the biblical account have come down to us to be clarified through the lens of the fifth ER.

A powerful lesson from this sad story underscores the need for patience in our actions, and that the planet is not in need of “saving”. Trust the Most Highs to rule in the kingdoms of men, and allow patience to mature our intentions.

5. Repercussions of Default

Eve’s disillusionment was truly pathetic. Adam had only pity and sympathy for his mate. Accordingly, in order to share Eve’s fate, he sought out Laotta, a brilliant Nodite woman, head of the western schools of the Garden, and committed Eve’s folly.

The Garden inhabitants became enraged and unmanageable upon learning what happened to Eve. They declared war on the near-by Nodite settlement and utterly destroyed them, including Cano, father to Eve’s as yet unborn son Cain. Serapatatia was so overcome with consternation, fear and remorse, that he drowned himself in the great river.

Adam wandered in solitude for thirty days, while his children attempted to comfort their mother. For Eve, these thirty days without Adam were as years of suffering and sorrow, from which she never fully recovered. Fifty years did not pass before the oldest of Adam’s children recovered from their sorrow and sadness of those tragic days. No subsequent deprivation or hardship could compare with Eve’s unbearable uncertainty and loneliness during this time. In like manner, Eve’s satisfaction of joy and gratitude upon Adam’s return was never effaced by their long and difficult life partnership of toil.

The return of the Melchizedek receivers some seventy days following the default told Adam that they had failed.

Eve’s emotional lability was discussed. Her vacillating highs and lows demonstrate the extent of disruption of her cosmic connection.

The aforementioned annihilation of the Nodite settlement by the Garden inhabitants led to northern Nodites to prepare for retribution, initiating the long and bitter warfare between the Adamites and the Nodites which persisted long after Adam and Eve’s relocation to the second garden in the Euphrates valley.

6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden

Adam learned of the approaching Nodite war party and sought the counsel of the Melchizedeks, who refused to advise him, being forbidden to interfere with the personal plans of Adam and Eve.

In conference with some twelve hundred loyal followers, Adam decided to leave the Garden to the Nodites unopposed. On the third day out from the Garden, the Edenic caravan was halted by the arrival of the seraphic transports. As the transports waited, all of the direct line Adamites below the age of twenty years were prepared for departure to Edentia. Those Adamites who had reached the age of choice were given the option of remaining on Urantia with Adam and Eve, or of returning to Edentia. Two thirds chose to go to Edentia. All in all, three fourths of the Adamic offspring departed for Edentia.

It was mentioned that the logistics of the evacuation of these Adamic offspring would have been most cumbersome. Facilities for the dematerialization of those going to Edentia would have had to be transported and deployed as the seraphic transports are unable to transport material bodies.

In the last paragraph of this section, Solonia paints a tragic and sorrowful picture of Adam and Eve, leaving the Garden in disgrace and losing more than three fourths of their children even before finding a new abiding place.