Episode:The Central Universe (Part 3)

From Symmetry of Soul

This perfect creation ministers to the needs and contributes to the satisfactions of seven orders of universe intelligence. The central and divine universe is not only man's established destiny, but it is also the starting place of his eternal career. Havona stands before every will creature as the portal to Paradise and God attainment.

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Keywords: Urantia, Havona, Afterlife, Heaven, Cosmology

Summary by Kermit

6.1 The Purpose of the Central Universe

The range of activities of Havona is enormous. They comprise three levels:

  • Havonal — horizontal penetration of the central universe by the Havona natives.
  • Paradisiacal — descending Paradise citizens.
  • Ascendant-finite — pilgrims of time (Supreme-Ultimate evolutional)

The remainder of the section is taken with the ways in which the central universe ministers to the needs and contributes to the satisfactions of seven orders of universe intelligence.

Interesting point made that the three Paradise Deities are referred to and spoken of not in their existential, infinite, absolute aspect, but as experiential deities as expressed in God the Sevenfold, creature-identified deity. Thus the author’s descriptions here appear even anthropomorphic, so as to be creature-identified deity as opposed to existential deity.

Regarding the Universal Father, the central universe pleases the Father with creature adoration, achievement gratification, and the ability to provide the perfect pattern of exquisite harmony for all evolving universes as a worthy revelation of spirit reality to all personalities of the universe of universes, as well as the alluring goal for the ascension candidates of time.

To the Eternal Son, the central universe affords an unlimited base for the ever-expanding realization of spirit power, and proof of the partnership effectiveness of the three Paradise Deities . Havona is also the foundation of the Son’s spirit gravity control and gratifies the parental craving for spiritual reproduction. Additionally, these worlds are the first and final demonstration that the Son is the Word of the Father.

For the Infinite Spirit, Havona is proof of the Infinite Spirit being the Conjoint Actor. The central universe further becomes the arena for Him to serve as a potential mercy minister. Herein, He participates in universe administration with both divine parents in preparation for the joint administration of the local universes as the Creative Spirit associates of the Creator Sons.

Commentary on the nature of Father and Mother Deity

For the Supreme Being, the central universe is the eternal and perfect proof of the spiritual reality of the Supreme Being, before the beginnings of the power-personality synthesis of the finite reflections of the Paradise Deities in the experiential universes of time and space.

Regarding the Co-ordinate Creator Sons, Havona is their educational training ground where they are prepared for their creative efforts in time and space. From Paradise creature patterns these Sons create their own mortal children and spirit beings. The central creation is the real source of overcontrol, stabilization and unification of their local universes. The Paradise Sons regard the central creation not only as their home, but the source of their creative power.

The Co-ordinate Ministering Daughters, here secure their prepersonal training and learn the methods of cooperation with the Sons of Paradise. They find here the mind patterns for their groups of spiritual and material intelligences. Paradise and Havona are remembered as her origin, the source of her personal prerogatives of creatorship, and the home of the Infinite Mother Spirit. Since they are not likely ever to return to Paradise, they greatly enjoy the universal reflectivity phenomenon associated with the Supreme Being in Havona and personalized in Majeston on Paradise.

To the Evolutionary Mortals of the Ascending Career, Havona is the home of the pattern personalities of every mortal type. Here they attain pre-Paradise Deity. Paradise is the home, and Havona the workshop and p layground of the finaliters, which every ascender craves to become. The central creation serves as the established destiny as well as the starting point of their eternal career.

Our authors are inclined to the opinion that the potentials of Havona are unlimited, that the central universe has eternal capacity to serve as an experiential training universe for all past, present, or future types of created beings.

Paper 26:4. Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe, The Secondary Supernaphim

These are the ministers of the seven circuits of Havona. They serve both descending Paradise Citizens and ascending pilgrims of time. There are seven groups of supernaphim who minister to the ascenders, each of which we will read about.

Secondary supernaphim, of origin in the Seven Master Spirits are assigned to ascenders according to their superuniverse of origin, corresponding to the matching Master Spirit.

The pilgrim ascenders arrive on the receiving world of Havona with only one sort of perfection, perfection of purpose. They are disappointment proof, possessed of sublime sincerity. Perfection of purpose, divinity of desire, and steadfastness of faith have secured the pilgrims’ entrance to Havona. Now the pilgrim is face to face with the problems of Havona and the immensities of Paradise. Now begins the work of developing perfection of understanding and the technique of comprehension, so indispensible to Paradise perfection of personality.

Ability to comprehend is the mortal passport to Paradise. Willingness to believe is the key to Havona. The acceptance of sonship, co-operation with the indwelling Adjuster is the price of evolutionary survival.