Episode:Existential Deity—God the Spirit (Part 5)

From Symmetry of Soul

The Infinite Spirit possesses full power to transmit many of his powers and prerogatives to his co-ordinate and subordinate personalities and agencies. In his munificence, he is represented in the grand universe by a vast array of ministering spirits, messengers, teachers, adjudicators, helpers, and advisers, together with supervisors of certain circuits of physical, morontial, and spiritual nature.

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Keywords: Urantia, Master Spirits, Reflective Spirits, Creative Spirits, Third Source Personality

Closing thought: Work through the extensive facts, so you actually begin to have some recognition of the wholeness. So there's some truth to your thoughts. So you aren't just technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth.

Note: Justin Armstrong filled in for Brad Garner.

Summary by Kermit

Commentary after Review

Notwithstanding the seeming impenetrability of many of the abstruse aspects of the revelation, an advanced, methodical, precise unpacking of the revelation can yield a logical sorting of these issues wherein the basics of how even something as complex as universe reflectivity is founded and patterned, involving not only a complicated system of beings in reality, but also a precise transcendent influence of Deity upon reality.

In our attempts to acquire a correct understanding of existential Deity, one of the more recondite aspects of the revelation, our discussion invariably touches upon the reciprocal interplay between the upwelling phenomena and processes of finite reality and the downwelling influence of Deity on reality. Bottom-up striving for truth begins with assembly and analysis of facts. Top-down synthesis of facts illuminates truth. This model of representation finds countless applications and parallels throughout the revelation.

As a prelude to the evening’s upcoming reading concerning Third Source personality we considered the idea of selfhood and personality. In the case of the spornagia, the caretakers of the material phases of the architectural worlds from Jerusem to Salvington, they do not possess personality but being reactive to the first five of the adjutant mind-spirits equivalate to a sixth reality level as an experiential identity. Identity requires pattern. We are asked to think of this pattern as a supersummative, bottom-up energy pattern, essentially a selfhood without the cosmic fact of personality. Further think of this selfhood as a cosmic reality welling up in a wholeness as opposed to personality a deified level of reality from above. This personal-like identity hints at Third Source personality.

9:8 Personalities of the Infinite Spirit

In like manner as the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit transmits many of his powers and prerogatives to his co-ordinate and subordinate personalities and agencies. Most immediately we are introduced to the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise, who function to distribute the Infinite Spirit to the universes. The Master Spirits are Deity coordinates of the Infinite Spirit. Subsequent creative acts produce the seven Reflective Spirits, and local universe Creative Spirits.

SoS has previously mentioned an associative coupling of the Infinite Spirit with the Paradise Trinity. An example of this associative coupling can be found in the function of the Seven Master Spirits in their union in a Deity sense giving rise supersummatively to a “Sevenfold Spirit” which we are told is functionally associable with Trinity functions. In preview to our next paper on the Paradise Trinity we noted a parallel with the Trinity and the Three Deities to the Sevenfold Spirit and the Seven Master Spirits. It should surprise no one that reciprocation in top-down and bottom-up perspectives are involved. Listen to the archive for further details. Further examples of the Infinite Spirit-Trinity coupling are found in the creation of the Reflective Spirits and local universe Creative Spirits. Such coupling produces the seven flavors of Reflective Spirits who with the subsequent influence of Mother Deity become Reflective Mother Spirits. Similar Mother Deity influence over time results in the Creative Mother Spirits. As with the distinction between the Eternal Son of all creation and the Creators Sons of the local creations, what the Infinite Spirit is to the total creation, a Creative spirit is to a local universe.

SoS has previously noted with amazement that the number of types of personalities and other-than-personal entities would stagger our imagination let alone the number of individuals. The Third Source and Center is source for a vast array of ministering spirits, messengers, teachers, adjudicators, helpers, and advisers, together with supervisors of certain circuits of physical, morontial, and spiritual nature. Not all of these beings are personalities, strictly speaking. Finite creature personality is characterized by subjective self-consciousness and objective response to the Father’s personality circuit. In addition to creator and creature personalities there are Third Source Personalities, not part of the Father’s personality circuit. These Third Source personalities while contactable to First Source personalities are not as personal to us. We are asked to think of First Source personalities as predicated on the I AM, and Third Source personalities predicated on the “ALL ARE”. In reciprocal manifestation ALL ARE is based on totality, I AM is based on singularity. Curiously the Third Source can bestow First Source personality for the Father in situations where for some reason he cannot.

Creative Spirits are in a class by themselves as Third Source personalities in the way they engage Father encircuited creatures. In the case of us mortals, prior to our encircuitment in the Holy Spirit and before the observed functioning of our personalities, the Creative Mother Spirit actually functions for us as persons.

First and Third Source personalities share all and more of the characteristics we would associate with personality, most having form and distinct individuality although we did note that Solitary Messengers and Gravity Messengers do not have contactable forms.

The remainder of the section and paper present thumbnail descriptions of the functional family of the Third Source and Center. Further details and more complete descriptions of these groups are to be found in subsequent papers of the revelation.

It is duly noted and should surprise no one that these groups embrace orders that function at every level of creation from Paradise and extending to inhabited planets. Such downwelling ministry of the love of God and the mercy of the Son constitutes the living ladder whereby Paradise ascenders reciprocally climb from chaos to glory.