Episode:Existential Deity—The Infinite Spirit (Part 3)

From Symmetry of Soul

There are many spiritual influences, and they are all as one. Even the work of the Thought Adjusters, though independent of all other influences, unvaryingly coincides with the spirit ministry of the combined influences of the Infinite Spirit and a local universe Mother Spirit. In our minds and upon our souls they function as one spirit, notwithstanding their diverse origins.

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Keywords: Urantia, Creator Sons, Creative Daughters, Creative Mother Spirits, Spirit of God

Opening thought: Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui; sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. —The Gloria Patri, traditional Christian hymn from 6th century A.D. c.f. [6:2.2]

Summary by Kermit

Commentary after Review

Considerable time was spent exploring the Deity and Reality perspectives as applied to the function of the Infinite Spirit. Technically the term “the Infinite Spirit” refers to the impersonal controller function of the 3rd Person. The Conjoint Actor term represents the personal engagement of the 3rd Person. Yet the revelators do not always maintain such strict designations. Many of the functional influences in reality of the Infinite Spirit stem from this impersonal aspect subsequently personalized in the downstepping process of engagement with the evolutionary domains. An example of this is the Infinite Spirit’s downstepped expression in the local universes as the Creative Daughter, initially a controller being given to the tasks of physical universe organization. Her more definitive personalization ensues with the creation of local universe personalities.

Throughout our study of the 3rd Person we have emphasized his involvement with the Paradise Trinity. It is the transcendent and foundational threefoldness of the Paradise Trinity which constrains the aggregations of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity to functional groups of three (15 triunities and 20 triodities). Remember, the three elements of the Seven Absolutes possessing will have put themselves in cooperative subordination to the Paradise Trinity! Further, the authors conjecture that in infinity it is the will, the actions, the purpose of the Paradise Trinity which constitutes the Divine providence motivating the cosmic panorama of universes upon universes!

The trinity of Christendom provides an accessible onramp for grasping the Trinity, a bottom-up rationale. SoS challenges the dauntless student of the 5th ER to begin with the fact of Deity and in top-down mode deduce reality from first principles. Such is the high challenge of the revelation.

8:4.4 The Spirit of Divine Ministry (cont.)

Note the designation of Creative Daughter instead of Creator Daughter suggestive of an impersonal expression of the impersonal aspect of the Infinite Spirit. Think of the Infinite Spirit in his downstepping penetration of the evolutionary domains as leading with an impersonal face, but sourced from his personal nature. Even now our interaction with the Divine Minister is decidedly impersonal in the function of adjutant mind and encircuitment in the Holy Spirit.

The Infinite Spirit’s ministry in revealing the love of the Father and the Son to the minds of all children of the universe differs from the Son’s bestowals in the likeness of mortal flesh, but is manifested in the gifts of the angelic orders who guide us through the lowly paths of earthly existence. And because of his infinite and absolute nature he remains personally unattenuated as the 3rd Person of Deity in his far-flung ministry.

The Infinite Spirit is the combined portrayal of the Father’s love and Son’s mercy, nevertheless he ministers in his own right. He is not a derivative Deity, the logical consequence of the first two Persons. Were that the case, in our Paradise ascent we would not be capable of recognizing his personality first, before recognizing the Son and the Father.

Listen to the broadcast again for the explanation of the Scripture citation from 1 Peter 3:12 and Psalms 34, where allusion to the justice administration of the Paradise Trinity is made. And marvel at the deep congruence which is found between the Bible and the 5th ER, and even more at the truths of Scripture, obscure but for the illumination provided by the revelation.

8:5 The Presence of God

The omnipresence of the Infinite Spirit is his outstanding attribute inasmuch as his universal spirit-mind presence engages us creatures more or less directly.

Historically the Infinite Spirit and the Creative Daughter’s Holy Spirit have been conflated to the term Spirit of God. Further, the creature experience of these manifold spirit ministries is as the influence of the Supreme. In advancing planets with increasingly mature inhabitants [34:6.1-2] extends the unity of experience of these spirit ministries to a coordinate function blended with the overministry of the Paradise Trinity.

In light of the complex functioning of the Infinite Spirit encompassing the function of the Father, the Son and the Father-Son as well as in his own right the Infinite Spirit is frequently referred to as the spirit of God. In fact and truth the functioning of the Spirit of God includes, in addition to the two Persons cited above, but God the Sevenfold and God the Supreme.

8:6 Personality of the Infinite Spirit

Notwithstanding the many other than personal functions of the Infinite Spirit the revelators emphasize that he is a true and divine personality. He is more real and visible for us ascenders inasmuch as we must attain personality recognition of the Infinite Spirit before approaching the Father through the Son.

Note the Bible citation from 1 Corinthians underscoring the source of the gifts of the Spirit as the mindal ministry of the Spirit. Further Bible citations confirm the Spirit’s actions and reactions to universe phenomena as those of a person.

The oneness of the three Persons in their perfect and eternal interassociation is the truth of monotheism transcending the theologic and philosophic pitfalls of a Father-centric monotheism.