Episode:Jesus Goes Public—Precursor and Prelude (Part 11)

From Symmetry of Soul

We can hardly imagine what would have happened on our world had the God-man, Jesus, in potential possession of all power in heaven and on earth, once decided to unfurl the banner of his local-universe sovereignty, to marshal his wonder-working battalions in militant array! But he would not compromise. He would not serve evil that the worship of God might presumably be derived therefrom.

Listen to the broadcast

Keywords: Urantia, Jesus, The Great Decisions, Truth Revealer, The Path of the Divine

Opening thought: "...in the life you now live on Urantia every man must perforce serve two masters. [Every man] must become adept in the art of a continuous human temporal compromise while he yields spiritual allegiance to but one master." [109:5.4] "Even the charm of human art consists in the harmony of its unity." [2:7.8] (emphasis added)

Closing thought: Make your great decisions to consecrate your inner life.

Summary by Kermit

Commentary after Review

Exploring further the implications of the failure to grasp the purely existential nature of God took us to a comparison of the 4th ER and 5th ER. Jesus made no serious attempt to reveal new ideas of God beyond the idea of God as a loving father of the individual. As guidance to Thomas in his discussions with Rodan he said, "It matters little what idea of the Father you may entertain as long as you are spiritually acquainted with the ideal of his infinite and eternal nature."

Further, it is only through the inner-life contact with the indwelling Father presence that his will is encountered. God’s will is not a matter of transactions in time and space, but an inner-life consecration whereby righteousness is established by personality management of the self, and becomes outwardly manifest as the fruits of the spirit in service to others. Removing the Father from outer life considerations is unprecedented in human history and constitutes a most difficult step for natural man. The 5th ER, however, gives us many ideas of God and Deity, and allows for recognition of the Father as initiator, directionizer, and potentializer when we recognize the coordinating action of Mother Deity in the outer life. Mother Deity considerations were outside the scope of Jesus’ mission. The outer life details of functional Deity cannot be properly regarded until the inner life nature of our relationship with the Father is correctly established. The 5th ER is sure to be wrongly interpreted if the true nature of the existential Father is not grasped.

136:9 The Fifth Decision

Mentioned previously, Jesus’ great decisions show a degree of similarity and even overlap in their application due to their stemming from one transcendent choice, in Jesus’ words of consecration to the Father: “Not my will, but yours be done.”

This fifth decision concerns Jesus’ choice of methods used to proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God. Note the fourth decision pertained to how he would attract the attention and win the adherence of the people. This marks the final decision to abandon any remaining ideas of him assuming the role of the Messiah as popularly conceived in that day. We can hardly imagine the intensity of this conflict for Jesus. Since childhood he was regarded as a child of promise and practically groomed by his mother to assume the traditional role of the Messiah, Deliverer of Israel. Many of the Hebrew scriptures utilized by Jesus in his teaching make reference to a Deliverer. And we have at least one instance of Jesus’ claiming to be the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. What with the historical involvement of Machiventa in collaboration with prophets and seers keeping alive the truths of the 3rd ER, one could suspect the resultant prophetic writings of the Hebrews could very well refer to Michael’s bestowal mission. But the racial proclivities of humans through the ages to imagine a savior promised through sacred writings could also account for similarities of Old Testament prophesies with Jesus’ career. Suffice to say Jesus was not averse to leveraging his mission off of the extant teachings and scriptures. Remember the cosmos is a coherent system divinely coordinated.

Jesus thought through the idea of inaugurating the spiritual kingdom with a dazzling display of power. This would have been consistent with Michael, Creator Son of God’s prerogatives. However, such a disconnect with his prebaptismal career as the Son of Man, subject to his Father’s will would have been akin to using the revolutionary techniques of Caligastia, short circuiting evolution.

SoS discussed at some length the significance of these decisions for us today. The kingdom of heaven as many times previously mentioned on SoS is founded in the inner life. The inner life unity becomes disrupted (evil) when outer life standards (scientific dictation, social usage, and religious dogma—the wisdom of the world) are substituted for conformity with the cosmos and the doing of the will of God. As also previously mentioned the increasing spiritual animation of our minds brings with it risks for dangerous disruption of the inner life when relying on the wisdom of the world for guidance.

It is strikingly apparent that first-century Jesus had serious conflicts in his human nature which had to be resolved. These human struggles are completely obscured when regarding him as the fetish-man. It was not until this fifth decision that Jesus left behind his cherished desires to win his people through appeal to their messianic expectations. And he did so ensuring the rejection by his people and longer term tragic consequences for them and the world. Genuine truth is a disrupting influence, especially on a rebellion tainted world whereon the operative mandate for the attending angelic hosts is to work for full disclosure and unlimited opportunity for sin expression.

Interestingly, Matthew’s gospel record erroneously depicting Jesus’ temptation by Satan during this period of seclusion is echoed in concept by the revelators’ reference to the three recurring appeals made of him by the people for food, miracles, and that he allow himself to be proclaimed king.

136:10 The Sixth Decision

Listen to the tail end of the program where the sixth and final decision, in Jesus’ words “And in all other matters, as in these now of decision-record, I pledge you I will be subject to the will of my Father”, finds parallel in the United States Constitution.

Notes by Brad

  • The will of the Father... aka your will as it relates to ("of") The Father.
    • Can you assess your own will as it relates to The Father's will?
    • This will of the Father is a relationship.
    • This is a purely existential matter.
    • Will as it relates to the other parent (the Mother) is a different issue. One worth considering, but a different one!

  • Watch for that "clever species of self-deception"
    • We often say, "This isn't about me, it's for the greater good."
    • Don't at all be innately sure of that. Our animal-origin self is very crafty... and "incessant" in seeking adoration and accolades.

  • "the kingdom of heaven had to do with the overthrow of evil in the hearts of men"
    • Wait, you say. I thought the kingdom was about the love of God?
    • That's what we all naturally like to think. But righteousness is required.

  • If your ideals are founded in the outer life, they are godless ideals by definition.
    • Only in the inner life can true ideals be founded.
    • The inner life is where you find the spirit God sent you (Thought Adjuster). Not in the outer life.

  • We must "not serve evil that the worship of God might presumably be derived therefrom" with respect to the 5th ER
    • We try to put it out in the world. Very well.
    • But there is some way we might do that which corrupts the inner life--that disrupts unity--that is evil.
    • What might that be? Starting with humanistic, outer-life ideals.
    • CAUTION: It's easy to convince yourself that, "for the greater good," just for a moment everything should revolve around you.
    • This author admonishes himself that his ideas of speaking about the 5th ER on a stage to an audience could have this me-first tinge to them.
    • Something to humbly consider and ensure the inner and outer life are kept where they ought to be.
    • A primitive human cannot easily spiritualize their selfish ambitious drives.
      • Our minds are not so material these days (different spiritual economy).

  • Your duty is to live a life of righteousness.
    • "But I want to make more people worship God." No, that's self-righteous if you don't have yourself righteous first.
    • The fruits will follow properly and naturally if you are truly righteous (conform to the cosmos in humility)

  • In the 5th ER "doubt" usually refer to first-stage evil. "The partial loyalty of indecision."
    • Unless specifically qualified as something else (e.g, "doubts of failure")