Episode:Jesus Goes Public—Precursor and Prelude (Part 2)

From Symmetry of Soul

It was the influence of the Prophet Elijah that caused John to adopt his methods of direct and blunt assault upon the sins and vices of his contemporaries. John was not illiterate, he did well know the Jewish sacred writings, but he was hardly cultured. He was a clear thinker, a powerful speaker, and a fiery denunciator. He was hardly an example to his age, but he was an eloquent rebuke.

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Keywords: Urantia, Jesus, John the Baptist, The Prophets, Kingdom of God

Opening thought: ...you, God, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Do not be angry beyond measure, God; do not remember our sins forever. Oh, look on us, we pray, for we are all your people. Your sacred cities have become a wasteland... After all this, Lord, will you hold yourself back? Will you keep silent...? Isaiah 64

Summary by Kermit

Commentary after Review

Discussion of John’s ritual purification following his conduct surrounding Zacharias’ death led to a deeper consideration of the persistence of ghost-cult religious practices by modern day man. Religious growth entails ascending levels of meaning and enhancement of values. Listen to the logic thread and elucidation of the physics of religious growth involved in ascending the levels of meaning (LoM) from the 0th level of fear up through anguish, dread, awe and reverence on the 2nd LoM. Further, follow how the unity-like feelings associated with reverence via the religious impulse (6th adjutant) evoke the quality of purity. Herein is an explanation for the prominent role of the concept of purity and its etymological cousin sincerity in evolutionary religions. The 5th ER beckons us to transcend this evolutionary acquirement through cultivation of the unquestioning loyalty and wholehearted devotion to supreme values of revealed religion—the very substance of sincerity.

Continuing discussion addressed the contrasting circumstances of the emergency conditions during the times leading up to Michael’s bestowal confronting the Melchizedek receivers and the predicaments facing civilization today. The Melchizedeks fostered prophets and seers to keep alive the truths of Machiventa’s mission. Today we have a written revelation of cosmic reality with which we as individuals and collectively are summoned to synchronize. Enduring civilization can never be built and sustained without a cosmic orientation (righteousness) and God centered ideals and this is irrespective of well-intentioned leadership and citizenry.

We addressed an inquiry pertaining to the call to righteousness when confronted by human forgetfulness, doubts of failure, mortal inconstancy, and perplexing confusion. Aside from the admonition to not be bothered thereby, we are reminded that we receive a measure of righteousness from the Mother by grace, to which we return when troubled. The vicissitudes of life can never disrupt the Mother’s upholding of this righteousness unless we so will it.

135:4. The Death of Elizabeth

John was twenty-eight years of age when his mother suddenly died. John was eighteen when Zacharias died and following his visit to Mary and Jesus later that year was minded to begin his life’s work only to be restrained by Jesus’ admonition to take care of his mother and wait for the coming of the Father’s hour. With Elizabeth’s passing John is now liberated to focus on launching his career as herald of the Deliverer. His patience is of note, this being ten years since he thought to start on his mission.

Familiarity with Hebrew history and the Biblical narrative of these things is highly recommended to appreciate the spirit of John’s practices and methods beyond the specifics and outer life details, which out of context appear old school, e.g., his fasting and praying for divine guidance.

Keeping in mind the parallel path of Jesus at this time, while John fasts and prays at Engedi, Jesus is on his Mediterranean tour, completing his psychic circles attainment. For two and a half years John remained at Engedi. He read much in the sacred writings and had a strong affinity for the prophets Isaiah and Malachi and was profoundly influenced by Elijah, taking on his colorful style of dress and speech. As such he was able to readily attract the attention of the people. His rough and ready rebuke of the sins and vices of his contemporaries served to make a space for the new age to be established by the Master and his gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Jesus could not do what John did.

Also, in keeping with a theme of righteousness, the 5th ER introduces righteousness in the preface of the first paper [1:0.3]. We are commanded to become perfect in our spheres as the Father is in his Paradise perfection of personality and in his universal sphere of righteous supremacy. Righteous supremacy reminds us that it is not sufficient to merely rest in the love of God for his son, but supremacy imposes a call to action, to do something!

John finally settled upon his method of proclaiming the new age, he would become the herald of the Messiah.

135:5. The Kingdom of God

This section goes into important details explaining the status of the Jews at this time which are indispensable to understanding John’s message. Suffice it to say notwithstanding the numerous versions of the Messiah held by the people there was general widespread expectancy that the coming of the kingdom was imminent, righteousness was a cardinal feature, and it would be temporal and external. Nonetheless, regardless of the spiritist or literalist flavor of Messiah expected by the various segments of the people, John’s impassioned preaching of righteousness and repentance aroused great interest and heightened attention.

Notes by Brad

Your sacred cities have become a wasteland... Our holy and glorious temples, where our ancestors praised you, have been burned with fire, and all that we treasured lies in ruins.

This is the imposthume of much wealth and peace, That inward breaks, and shows no cause without why the man dies.