Episode:The Planetary Princes (Part 2)

From Symmetry of Soul

The progress of civilization is hardly alike on any two planets, but under the benign rule of a Planetary Prince the mortal races will successively pass through seven developmental epochs. From their world center of culture and achievement there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races—at least such is the case on normal worlds.

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Keywords: Urantia, Culture, Civilization, Progress, Epochs

Summary by Kermit

4. The Planetary Headquarters Schools

The prince’s corporeal staff early organize the planetary schools of training and culture. Here the cream of the evolutionary races are instructed and sent forth to their people to pass along these better ways of living.

The corporeal staff perform much of the physical work in establishing the planetary headquarters. These headquarters cities are very different from what a Urantia mortal might imagine, being simple, characterized by mineral embellishment and relatively advanced material construction.

Commentary: We conjectured what a Urantia mortal might imagine, asking whether such imaginings would envision a more advanced or less advanced settlement. Inasmuch as the Planetary Prince and his staff came from “on high” we concluded that the Prince’s headquarters were less advanced than might have been imagined.

The students and teachers at theses planetary schools were all agriculturists and horticulturists.

Time was about equally divided among the following five pursuits. Physical Labor, Social activities, Educational application, Vocational training, Spiritual culture.

While the a Planetary Prince is not visible to mortals, and it is a test of faith to believe the representations of the corporeal staff, these schools are well adapted to the needs of each planet, and among the races of men there develops a keen rivalry in their efforts to enter these schools.

The Prince’s method of adopting and training children of the surrounding peoples, and sending them back to their native groups to establish new centers of learning and culture, gradually provides an uplifting, civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races.

Discussion: We were reminded of the epochal revelations to evolving races and their purposes.

First is the civilization uplift of the Planetary Prince. Next comes the biological uplift of the Material Sons and Daughters. Then comes the wisdom/philosophy uplift of the Magisterial Sons. This is followed by the Spiritual/Religious uplift of the Paradise Bestowal Sons. But of course the rebellion forever altered the course of epochal revelations to Urantia. Thanks to Chris and James for the high level summaries.

Of particular note was the author’s personalized statement of his shock at the perfidy of Caligastia, his brother Lanonandek in perverting and poisoning the teaching in the planetary schools. Yet, some of the corporeal staff’s children did remain loyal. We also indulged in some reflection foreshadowing some of the interesting details of the Urantia experience with our Planetary Prince.

5. Progressive Civilization

Planetary Princes are permanently attached to their worlds of assignment, and, augmented by the Material Sons and Daughters, rule their worlds relatively independently from the missions of the higher sons. As mentioned, the primary mission of the Planetary Prince is the fostering of the development of planetary civilization.

This section provides an illuminating thumbnail description of the seven developmental epochs of civilization on an evolving material world.

The nutrition epoch, The security age, The material-comfort era, The quest for knowledge and wisdom, The epoch of philosophy and brotherhood The age of spiritual striving, The era of light and life.

Commentary: Considerable reflection was given to these developmental stages. On normal or average worlds, these stages are truly successive. Because of the LR, we on Urantia are experiencing the first three stages simultaneously in patchwork fashion around the globe, while among the more advanced societies and cultures, stage four is beginning to emerge, albeit many vulnerabilities to its full flowering make our future uncertain. These seven stages can be seen to parallel a number of other sevenfold patterns [as, levels of meaning, psychic circles, mansion worlds, etc.]

We are mightily challenged in our assessment of these developmental epochs. Many features of these appear “negative” in an idealistic sense, yet they are indispensible in an evolutionary sense. Attempts to skip or circumvent these periods or objectionable features thereof are ill advised and represent lack of cosmic understanding.

6. Planetary Culture

Development of civilization on our planet is not much different from that of other quarantined worlds, but when compared with the loyal worlds of the universe, we are most confused and greatly retarded in all phases of intellectual progress and spiritual attainment. Even the bestowal of Christ Michael did not immediately set aside the temporal consequences of the rebellion and Adamic default. We are told it will require age upon age to retrieve the resultant handicaps of sin and secession.

7. The Rewards of Isolation

As is often the case, our author points out that rather than viewing our condition as unfortunate and lamentable, our isolation provides us with unique opportunities to exercise faith, and develop a peculiar quality of confidence in cosmic reliability, which is not dependent on sight or other material consideration. Thus we carry the designation AGONDONTERS, meaning evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing, persevere when isolated, and triumph over insuperable difficulties even when alone.

Discussion: Here we are reminded of the “pathway to progress” the immutable sequence—effort, struggle, conflict, faith determination, love, loyalty, and progress in the text. All through the Paradise career, reward follows effort as the result of causes.