Episode:Our Local System of Inhabited Worlds—Administration (Part 3)

From Symmetry of Soul

The four and twenty counselors are Christ Michael’s personal agents on Jerusem, and they have authority to represent the Master Son in all matters concerning the roll calls of Satania and in many other phases of the scheme of mortal ascension on the isolated worlds of the system. They are the designated agents for executing the special requests of Gabriel and the unusual mandates of Michael.

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Keywords: Urantia, Four and Twenty Counselors, Machiventa Melchizedek, Material Sons and Daughters, Representative Government

Opening thought: When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalms 56:3-4

Note: This was David Tucker's first show as a regular co-host.

Summary by Andrea

Commentary After the Review

We spoke about having a healthy self-respect rather than buying into the self-esteem movement which is so prevalent in our society today. One of our co-hosts reminded us that this life is so important. We play for keeps here and it’s up to us to measure our life and be on guard about what we let in. Can we let this revelation reform our minds? We must keep a watch upon our souls. It’s much easier to forsake the Kingdom than enter it. Once we have a handle on spiritualized mind after struggling to obtain it, it is easy to propel ourselves out using that same force. There’s an idea that once you are saved, you are always saved but that is simply not true.

The Christian church doesn’t know what to do with people once they are born again. Once we are born again, we face a severe test. On the mansion worlds, where we will be using morontia mind, it will be much easier to go astray because there is less mindal resistance.

The church has such a dual spiritism mentality. When we become aware of the love of God it’s easy to fall prey to false liberty. The liberty of that upper domain is right there with the love part. But liberty is problematic. Problems can arise if a person becomes less fearful after removing the shackles of ecclesiastic authority and embracing God's love without immediately grasping God's law. A fearless naïve person can be the source of much destruction.

When our adjuster made our embryonic soul, there was meaning and value that was there by grace. The matrix of that soul is framed relative to divine ideals. If we choose to reframe it relative to godless ideals that soul no longer holds any cosmic meaning or value, and it is dead. If this is just an immature child nature, then okay... there has to be personality management in play for this to have any applicability. We would have to be willfully redirecting the functioning of our mind away from God and towards ourselves for this to be in play.

Fear chastens us. It is a stimulus for a beginning wisdom. For those who found the love of God and ran with it, without any restraint, there can be trouble. Unfortunately, that has happened to many who found The Urantia Book.

Fear is a natural governor that keeps us from straying. Constraints are not naturally built in. Without some constraining force like fear, that unchastened liberty can be suicidal.

Etymology means the logic of truth. There is a logic to truth that can be expressed in words. You can’t express truth with words. To hear more info on this, go to 1 hour and 3 minutes into the broadcast.

We spoke about the idea of judge-not-ism. We learned that you can disagree with someone’s opinions and separate the person from those opinions. We tend to get hung up on not judging others, but it is not only practical but necessary to be able to distinguish between a person and their erroneous thinking. Judge-not-ism doesn’t separate the opinion from the person and the two things get blurred together. You end up not judging their thoughts for fear of judging them as a person. But we must judge others thoughts in order to keep ourselves on the correct path.

45:4 The Four and Twenty Counselors

The Four and Twenty Counselors are the personal agents of Christ Michael and have the authority to represent the Master Son in all matters concerning the roll calls of Satania and in many other phases of the scheme of mortal ascension on the isolated worlds of the system. We noticed that this quote is directly out of the King James version of the Bible.

This concept of the Four and Twenty Counselors was set up at Pentecost but was obviously known long before that day. We know that because Onagar had been delayed in his ascension plan by Gabriel and Onagar lived almost a million years ago. These 24 also oversee the other 36 rebellion spheres, but not directly; each world has its own group of counselors. But since the four and twenty represent Michael, their role supersedes the other counselors' role in each of the other rebellion spheres.

The Four and Twenty Counselors have been recruited from the eight Urantia races and other places. Furthermore, there is a representative from each epoch of human history on this Board. Each of the first eight Counselors put forth a different idea of God when they lived on earth based on the mental bias of their respective race.

Additionally, Onagar and Mansant represent the Andonites in the pre- and post-Planetary Prince age, respectively.

A handout in the “question and answer” section of Perferting Horizons Institute called Sangiks and Mind in the Perfecting Horizons library helps explain why each of these eight individuals came up with a particular name for God when revealing truth to the people of their time. For example, Onagar used “The Breath Giver” while Porshunta used “The Great Teacher."

We noticed that Orlandof, the blue race uplifter, is not in the order of the spectrum rainbow. And we wondered at this. In addition, the appellation the revelators give for each of these first eight and the truth they put forth to their people give us hints on the mentality of their respective racial bias.

We discussed Adam and Eve’s inclusion in this group and their status as ascending Sons of God. Eve is included in that status. Material Sons and Daughters generally do not have souls—but because after the default, they sincerely repented they received an Adjuster, got a soul, and survived.

Additionally, we spoke about Enoch, the first to fuse, Moses, the first to introduce nation life, and Elijah from the post-Material Son age who exhibited brilliant personality management with his faith submission to the Father’s will.

We then turned to Machiventa Melchizedek. He stands out because he doesn’t have an Adjuster but he does have a soul. His Adjuster indwelt Jesus when he lived his life here and was subsequently personalized for future service. But Machiventa has a soul that gives him the requisite bottom-up fundamentals that he needs to serve in this capacity. That soul merged with his Melchizedek nature, making him something a bit different than a Melchizedek. He’s both an ascender and a descender.

John the Baptist is the next counselor we discussed and is considered the greatest of all the prophets.

1-2-3 the First is a primary midwayer bringing a totally different type of being into the mix. We conjectured that there needs to be some sort of superadditive consequence in the makeup of this group. He is probably also helpful in administering the other rebellion spheres because they have Midway creatures that must be managed and tended to.

Seat numbers 17, 18, 19, and 20 are not permanently occupied, while numbers 21, 22, 23, and 24 are likewise temporarily filled while being held in reserve for the great teachers of other and subsequent ages, which undoubtedly will follow the present age.