Episode:Our Local System of Inhabited Worlds—Administration (Part 4)

From Symmetry of Soul

The Material Sons and Daughters, together with their children, present an engaging spectacle which never fails to arouse the curiosity and intrigue the attention of all ascending mortals. After finally attaining Jerusem citizenship, mortal survivors spend much of their leisure on the system capital observing and studying the life habits and conduct of these superior semiphysical sex creatures.

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Keywords: Urantia, Material Sons and Daughters, Representative Government, Sex Association, Parental Relationship

Opening thought: “Again and again [we see] that it is impossible essentially to change the type of a social structure by a revolution. However great the transformation may for a time seem, the original thing reappears in disguise.” —Spencer, The Study of Sociology, Chapter 6

Summary by David

On male-ness and female-ness

The discussions picks up after the review with a question regarding male and female opportunities for service after our native sphere. It comes back to how we’re using terminology when we’re talking about descending sons, ascending sons, and sons of God in general. We’re using that son designation to play off of, calling the personal nature of the First Source and Center the Universal Father. So pairing up father and son is not because of a bias to males in contrast to females as we tend to subjectively interpret. We’re not talking about males and females at all when we’re doing that, despite how it appears on the surface with the language.

The fundamental question comes down to: why are all humans, male and female, ascending sons? We must be a moving direction-like phenomenon; we cannot be a stationary place-like phenomenon, or we couldn’t ascend. We start off here as male and female, and eventually, everyone becomes definitively in that directional mode as we ascend. For example, when we take a look at the four and twenty counselors, they are giving direction to the rebel worlds, as opposed to say, holding those places.

Why are Vorondadeks sons? Why are Lanondadeks sons? Why are Melchizedeks sons? Because they’re all individuations of directional phenomena in the cosmos. Males have a biologic tendency to just move on direction-like, and females are much slower to move, if not sort of required to be very place-like.

If we fuse, we will become an ascending son of God. The part of each of us that is going to ascend is not the adjutant-minded maleness or femaleness, both of which are mortal. The parts of us that are going to ascend is our morontia-self, which is embryonic right now by grace alone. To the degree that morontia self is definitively a reflection of a born-again faither, then that morontia self is a faith son. Faith sons exist to be a very directional ascending fact until we achieve finaliter status.

The fact that any of us can even have a morontia-self is because we have a personality from the Universal Father that is infinitely transcendent of animal-origin maleness or femaleness. We can understand that that personal reflection of our morontia-self is fundamentally transcendent of our biologic maleness or femaleness. When we talk about our nature, we do so relative to the Father. We say it’s a son of a father, for the time being, beginning the ascent, back to the source of its creation.

When they’re talking about various beings, they’re talking about various parts in varies holistic contexts. When all is said and done there’s a singular mother, the Mother for a given super universe, the Mother of a local universe. And everyone else in that place are directional parts within that place that she upholds. Be sure to listen to the archives for more intriguing insights into this fundamental foothold we must begin to develop if we’re to discern the truth that flows through the revelation.

On the future of male-ness and female-ness

Around the 35 minute mark a question gets brought up regarding the female hormones, and how they’re constructed in a way that positions a female to be domineered by males. We recognized that it’s more than hormonal, it’s also a mindal mode that females perforce think within.

On worlds in light and life, where males and females live for around 500 years, the females must shift into the son of God mode rather than the temporary downstepped expression of the creative Mother spirit where (for a time) they literally served as biological mothers. On these worlds the females stand side by side, like Adam and Eve, both in a son-like mode. If the females become more of a son-like mode, the males have their male-ness tempered to be less unbridled—wiser. The two meet in the middle in a directional capacity to administer direction to their societies.

45:5 The Material Sons

At the 44 minute mark we begin reading. In many regards, when you’re at the local system level there’s a very definitive foundation to that level in the local universe. When all is said and done, the permanent citizens of the local system headquarters worlds are the material sons and daughters, and they direct what goes on there in general, and even in the midst of all of these immense preserves there’s a central temple of the material sons.

It’s important to keep in mind that many of these sons and daughters go two-by-two to roughly 1000 inhabited worlds of that local system to serve as Adam and Eve. Also, an endless stream of them are modified into being ascending beings with a Thought Adjuster and ascending up above the local system level. Fundamentally these are the two outlets for all the procreation of material sons on any local system headquarters.

There’s a challenge that was laid before even those primitive humans, in the first epochal revelation, when they could see the corporeal staff, but they couldn’t see the planetary prince. They were challenged to very definitively identify with that which can not be seen. We’re all challenged to identify with what we cannot see more definitively than with that which we can see. That identification to that which you can’t see is the first commandment, the identification to that which you can see, the prince’s staff, is the second commandment.

Your whole possibility for survival is predicated on a consecration of yourself to that which can’t be seen. Our values must be predicated on that which can’t be seen: the spiritual, the divine, and the eternal. Values must not be predicated on that which we can see: the material, the human, and the temporal. If they are, then you don’t survive.

We pondered the number of material sons that they give us, bearing in mind this count is not for our local system, but for of Nebadon. Dividing that number by 10,000 local systems yields an average of about 16,000 material son and daughters per local system. When trying to understand the number, you say to yourself, "Well, they only need 2,000 to be Adams and Eves, and another 2,000 of them on the probationary nursery." You begin to consider that maybe it’s not as large of a number as we originally thought. They also tell us that their reproduction is very precisely managed, so it doesn’t seem like they create an arbitrary number just because, despite its appearance.

This small number of material sons and daughters is perplexing. On a handful of occasions in the 5th ER we come upon something like this we can’t immediately sort out. We suggested not taking the easy way out by immediately giving in to the temptation to think you should alter the text or assume it’s a typo. Don’t take that immediate out, as if somehow your mind is transcendently all-understanding and the revelation needs to be submitted to your understanding. We’re being challenged to humbly let the mystery stand and see if over time we can eventually have it dawn on us by insight.

In various places of the 5th ER when they talk about self-government, we should understand the context of each instance. At the highest level, self-government literally means that each self governs itself without the need of any externalized outer-life governmental scheme. But instead of using the expression self-government they’re speaking of representative government in this context with the material sons. That is: a group of people electing representatives (universal suffrage) and then through an indirect means basically governing themselves.

It's of the utmost importance relative to the material sons and daughters. They tell us that they’re permitted to "experiment" with this. They need to develop a very extensive and precise experiential understanding of representative government. The material sons and daughters come to a world to institute representative government, and they must experientially acquire great wisdom in this regard. They do that through experimenting amongst themselves with representative government.

On sophistries of premature self-government

The curious statement they make in this section about “sometime they hope to be granted virtually complete autonomy” brings up one of the key points that Lucifer is putting forward in [53:4.2]. Self-assertion was the battle cry of the Lucifer rebellion. One of his chief arguments was that “if self-government was good and right for the Melchizedeks, and other groups, it was equally good for all other orders of intelligence”. This is one of the fundamental challenges that Lucifer is putting forward and adopting these thoughts as our own is rebellious.

If ever the material sons and daughter move from a “sometime they hope”, to a “we deserve this now”, that puts them in rebellion, their minds are disrupted, and they cease to be immortal. It’s a death sentence for them to think that. This is why so many of them went into rebellion. The lesson here for all of us is that we must be cautious with our hopes. Someone can play with our hopes and turn them into rebellious desires. Set a guard upon your hopes, lest they lead you astray. Impatience in the fundamental root of that most unfortunate consequence.

If a material son and daughter get ahead of themselves in representative government, it means instant death. How problematic is it it for humans today to be thinking the same thing? When they’re thinking that, they’re joining the rebellion in truth. And in truth it’s a death sentence.

Keep a watchful eye for the Luciferian pied pipers that are all over this planet right now, because none of them are wearing a bad guy cape and mask. They will appear friendly, kind, and it will feel right to be exhibiting a devotion to them and their cause. But inside of that spiritual-candy wrapper is death.

This reviewer knows enough to ask, "Is it I, Lord?" Am I wishfully thinking it would be wise to circumvent the way by my own willful desires? or is it my will that God's will be done? Am I desirous of revolution as opposed to evolution? All that glitters is not gold brothers and sisters.

I for one am grateful for this time to be selfish on my native sphere, to take the time to work on and master my self, without later heavy burdens of being responsible for others in their personal religious experience.

Brad's Notes

  • Biological male and female humans on this world are both to be sons of God.
    • That's because ascending faith sons are directional.
    • This sonship is transcendent of our biology.
    • We are directional parts within the place of our local God the Mother.
    • Consider females who live 500 years on a sphere of nativity will have biological motherhood long in the rear-view mirror. Meanwhile, the males on those worlds will have their male-ness more tempered, as well.
  • Material Sons and Daughters are the permanent citizens of the local system headquarters.
  • We must be consecrated to that which can't be seen.
  • Material Sons and Daughters come to a world to institute representative government. They learn about this on the local system headquarters.
  • Hope is based upon potentialities, and therefore patience is innate in true hope. False hope can be impatient, by contrast.

  • Hope is not wishful thinking; it’s not based upon actualities. Hope is based upon potentialities, and patience is innate in that recognition.