Episode:Our Local System of Inhabited Worlds—Evolutionary Planets (Part 5)

From Symmetry of Soul

With the arrival of the first Adjuster on an inhabited world the guardian seraphim also make their appearance; they are indispensable to terrestrial escape. Throughout the life-lapse period of the sleeping survivors of a nonindividual order of survival, the spiritual values and eternal realities of their newly evolved and immortal souls are held as a sacred trust by the group guardian angels.

Listen to the broadcast

Keywords: Urantia, Terrestrial Escape, Special Resurrections, Probation Nurseries, Son Seizure

Opening thought: Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, / That saved a wretch; like me! / I once was lost, but now am found, / Was blind, but now I see. / When we’ve been there ten thousand years, / Bright shining as the sun, / We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise / Than when we first begun. —Amazing Grace by John Newton (1725–1807)

Summary by David

Foolish Notions of Chemically Induced Spiritual Experiences

God is not a chemical

After reading the previous review, we observed how someone listening to the previous week’s show might attempt to divine some secret of contacting spirit by consuming something or doing something to their bodies. In general, when we talk about the fact that our adjutant minds are attuned to our biology, one can have a higher adjutant mind function because we have a more well-coordinated biologic mechanism. It’s a fool’s quest to analyze our bodies and figure out how to tweak things by utilizing supplements to give ourselves a biologic uplift because Adam and Eve fell short of that goal.

The key point in general is, when we’re talking about an attunement, it’s in the super summative nature of our biology. Our minds are attuned to the unanalyzable nature of our body, gland chemistry and the like. If you analyze your DNA, or the hormones in your body, you come up with all sorts of analytic conclusions. It’s a very linear, down-in-the-plane, assessment of all that is possible with current “scientific” understandings. Perhaps in the far distant future, amidst the light and life quality of physics that will be different. But right now it’s not even remotely possible.

Mind energy is absolutely transcendent of physical energy, and at the foundation of those two energies there is absolutely no interplay between the two. Each of those energies have independent absolutes. The Paradise Source and Center and the Third Source and Center, and they’re absolutely separate absolutes. If there’s going to be a so called “attunement” of mind and biology, it must be in some very transcendent rarefied conceptual space where transcendent of the two absolutes that divide the two energies has some super absolute interplay between the two. In other words, a bit too far out of our pay grade ladies and gents. No amount of fuzzing out will get you anywhere fast unless your aim is to end up with dementia at a far younger age than your genetics and environment would naturally dictate.

It's very important to be humbly respectful of what we have wittingly or otherwise purely by the grace of God alone. The vicissitudes of the rebellion and default could have taken us so far out of whack, that we could very well have lost the ability to have consciousness, but we didn’t. We don’t have the slightest clue why we’re conscious, let alone have the ability to somehow construct a makeshift biologic erector set to possibly improve on that. You could end up erecting something outside of the realm of ascension. It’s best to stick with what we’ve got and play in the tadpole games where it’s safe.

The Master sought out the limited equilibrium he could find and leveraged off of it. He made sure he did nothing to disrupt those phases of stability that were there despite all the issues of this world, and he leveraged that faint flicker of quality mind upward. He wasn’t limited by all the pits of unascending ability in his biology. There are no shortages of aspects of our biology that are deeply unascendable. The Master ascended despite those aspects, and you can also. It’s insidious to believe that any of us could formulate or even discover a material “secret formula” to chemically induce a spiritual or divine experience.

49:6. Terrestrial Escape

It’s easy to get excited about the messenger hosts of space referenced here, but careful to recognize that the Divine Executioners are one of them. On one hand the Lord giveth (represented by our Thought Adjusters) and the other is the Lord taketh away (represented by the Divine Executioners). It’s a subtle reminder that the gift of the divine Thought Adjusters is a double-edged sword.

Each of us has a very tenuous and primitive starting point in our ascension in terms of any of us being able to get off the rock we’re born on. The unfortunate combination of current UB readers' thoughts, and the Jewish fantasies from 2000 years ago leads to unfortunate humanistic speculation more akin to pleasing fables. A desire to be special because we read this book, reminds this reviewer of the Apostles fighting for the seat to the right or left of the Master at the dinner table. Of course, the same wisdom applies of finding the humility to sit at the lowest seat. Assume you’re at the bottom rung, and if perchance you did more than merely misinterpret everything you’ve read in the revelation, and were grown into more than an iota of humility, you may get pulled up further in the seat order.

This reviewer assumes he won’t even have a seat at the table, and instead is busying himself with bothering the waitress for a child seat with strap-in restraints and something color on while waiting for food. Salvation is on God’s terms, not ours.

An important detail to remember is that from the time of the rebellion until 2000 years ago at Pentecost, nobody on this planet could ascend individually. Regardless of circle attainment, you were stuck until the dispensation of the age. The revelators are hitting us with the Bible's greatest hits from Daniel, and Matthew 24 lest we attempt to put on the big boy pants a little prematurely. Just a spoonful of humility helps this medicine go down.

In the eyes of the universe, the arrival of the Adjuster constitutes identity. Personality is a spirit substance pattern, and our minds are not spirit substance. The Adjuster is the spirit substance to us, not the personality management or spirit ministries—it’s a literal object, stuff. Our personality is not influencing our direct mindal self at this point (that’s seated on our soul), it’s influencing our adjutant minds.

There’s a direct reference when speaking directly about the different types of planetary resurrections. We have a very different type of human that gets resurrected in each dispensation. Primitive humans, those that are post-arrival of the Planetary Prince, don’t have a mind that can fuse with a Thought Adjuster.

A fascinating unpacking of the different types of humans for the different dispensations is worth everyone’s efforts to listen to the episode and the wrap up of our previous arc.

Brad's Notes

  • There's always an equilibrium that can be sough in the body, mind, and spirit, no matter how limited your biologic genetics might be.
    • There are "pits" and "valleys" in our swiss-cheese genetic biology. But by the grace of God if we stay humble we don't have to be helpless victims of them.
    • Of all things, don't disrupt it with fad chemicals and drugs. You'll probably just fall into one of your pits or valleys. Making ascension HARDER not easier!