Episode:The Urantia Revelation: The Structure and Meaning of the Universe Explained, with Malcolm Locke

From Symmetry of Soul

The Urantia Revelation: the Structure and Meaning of the Universe Explained, is a succinct and lucid digest of The Urantia Book (TUB). For those who are not familiar with TUB, his book provides a quick overview of the papers which may perhaps result in them reading TUB for its exquisite details. Those familiar with the big blue book will also find the brief compendium of great value, summarizing as it does the whole complex story.

Malcolm Locke began reading The Urantia Book in 1973 when he discovered it tucked away on the bottom shelf of a bookstore. Since then he has been an avid reader and interpreter of the papers. Realizing how its great length and complexity put off many people, he decided to prepare a brief introduction to the book's principal teachings. As a college professor for many years, teaching literature and history to thousands of undergraduates, he acquired a sense of the style required for popular presentation. Through incorporating insights from The Urantia Book into his lectures, without speaking of the book directly, they were made available wide audience.

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Keywords: The Urantia Book, Lost Years of Jesus, Universal Knowledge, Eternity

Note: Malcolm Locke was our guest on this episode.

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